
Basic Philosophies

Four basic philosophies of Akita University of Art

Akita University of Art is a university that takes on the creation of rises to the challenge of creating new art fields in response to dynamic changes in society, without being bound by existing concepts. We pursue the potential and publicness of art by taking advantage of the cultural resources of Akita, which is blessed with nature and traditional culture, in order to send out human resources that can contribute to society using their artistic sensibility and creativity to areas across Japan and around the world.

Creating new art fields and rises to the challenge of doing so

Akita University of Art reexamines the state in art education in modern Japan, in which genres such as “Japanese paintings”, “oil paintings”, “sculptures”, “crafts”, “design”, and “architecture” are established and in which modern Western art and traditional Japanese art coexist, and positively rises to the challenge of reconfiguring these into values that are more appropriate for modern Japan, in addition to creating and transmitting new artistic values.

Utilizing and expanding the traditions and culture of Akita

Based on the vision of “rediscovering the identity of the local city and create new values” and the philosophy that “diversification and deepening of the community are what create a rich global culture”, Akita University of Art spearheads the “decentralization of art” by realizing the artistic creation and cultivation of human resources in Akita. In addition, it aims to promote a regional renaissance through the rediscovery of traditional culture, lifestyles and technologies that have been cultivated in Akita throughout history, to reevaluate their artistic value, and to utilize them in modern Akita, while introducing new dimensions to the field of art and design.

Nurturing global human resources that will be sent out into the world from Akita

On the foundation of our students’ deep understanding of reconstructed art fields and local art and culture, and opportunities to be exposed to or interact with the “world”, we nurture human resources that can play an active role on the global stage, possessing the flexible thinking necessary to lead trends as artists and designers among the constantly changing artistic expressions that allow them to encounter various roots, to accept a diversity of values, and to share such values.

In addition, the university itself also transmits new values to the world through radical art expressions, with the aim of forming a rich global culture while reevaluating traditional culture and art that remain in Akita and reforming these into modern forms.

Contributing to community development and advancing together with the local community

As a responsibility of a public university, each faculty member of Akita University of Art is involved in social work related to his or her specialty. Moreover, the university nurtures human resources that can contribute to local revitalization by making significant contributions to the development of local brands, the promotion of local industries, or to artistic activities while actively seeking collaborations with universities inside and outside of the prefecture, private businesses, elementary, junior high and high schools, and social educational institutions including art museums.