
AMAGAI Yoshinori

Teaching Staff (Liberal Arts Core)

Title Professor
Director, Akita University of Art Library
Research Fields History of design / Aesthetics
Ph.D., University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki
M.A. (Art), University of Tsukuba
Bachelor’s (Art and Design), University of Tsukuba
Selected Professional Experience
Professor, Akita University of Art
Associate Professor (1995-2007); Professor (2007-2013), Akita Municipal Junior College of Arts and Crafts
Recent Activities
Hirayama Eizo and the Turin International Exhibition 1911. Journal of the Japan Society of Design (78), pp. 5-19. The Japan Society of Design
Japanese concepts of modern design in the 1950s: With special reference to Isamu Kenmochi and Masaru Katsumie. Proceedings of Back to the Future. The Future in the Past: ICDHS 10th+1 Barcelona 2018, pp. 81-84. GRACMON
A study on the visual pyramid and its cross-section of L.B. Alberti’s On Painting (2): With special reference to ‘the veil as the intersection’ and ‘the true cuspid of the visual pyramid.’ Akita University of Art Faculty Research Bulletin Vol. 5, pp. 3-13
    Win no Osutoria oyo bijutsu hakubutsukan [The Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna]. Seiyo kindai no toshi to geijutsu 4: Win sogo geijutsu ni yadoru yume [Modern Western cities and art 4: The Vienna Secession and the dream of ‘Gesamtkunstwerk’], pp. 180-204. Chikurinsha
Japanese concept of Kogei in the period between the first world war and the second world war. Proceedings of Making Trans/National Contemporary Design History: ICDHS 10 Taipei 2016, pp. 105-109. Blucher
Pioneers of Japanese design education from Bijutsu to Kogyo Zuan in the Meiji era. The Journal of the Asian Conference of Design History and Theory 1, pp. 19-28. Osaka University Graduate School of Letters
A study on the visual pyramid and its cross-section of L. B. Alberti’s On Painting (1). Akita University of Art Faculty Research Bulletin Vol. 2, pp. 1-10
Japanese industrial design concepts in the transition from the nineteenth to the twentieth century: with special reference to the Japanese industrial design educators Hirayama Eizo (1855 – 1914) and Matsuoka Hisashi (1862 – 1944). Proceedings of Design Frontiers: Territories, Concepts, Technologies: ICDHS 8 Sao Paulo 2012, pp. 19-22. Blucher
<Projects selected for ‘Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kaken-hi)’>
From applied art to modern design: The development and multiplicity of design concepts in postwar Japan (Type C)
A study on Japanese idea of promoting modern design and craft in the Taisho era: Special reference to Japanese participation in Turin International Exhibition in 1911 (Type C)
A study on the Japanese industrial design concepts and the idea of applying art to industry in the transition from the Meiji to the Taisho era (Type C)
Kompyuta shien ni yoru ippan kyoiku no kiso-teki kenkyu maruchimedia nettowaku kankyo ni taio shita sohoko-teki gakushu kyozai no kaihatsu ni mukete [Basic research on computer-assisted general education: Toward the development of interactive learning materials for multimedia network environments] (Grant-in-aid for exploratory research)
Courses Taught Academic Literacy 1
Art Theory and History
History of Western Art
History of Design
History of Design (Special Lecture)
History of Modern Design (Special Lecture)
History of Modern Ornamental Design
Transdisciplinary Arts Seminar

Further details (in Japanese) can be found at the following link: AMAGAI Yoshinori (Japanese page)