Department of Fine Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts
Course of Multidisciplinary Arts
Exploring a new direction for the contemporary arts, and evolving modern expressions through a variety of materials and media
Without being confined by conventional materials, techniques, and forms of expression, students create contemporary artworks employing diverse media.
Overview of the Course
In the Course of Multidisciplinary Arts, to rediscover the methods of artwork production, students examine the relations of the fundamental elements making up artworks in such fields as painting, sculpture, textiles, performance, installation, media arts, and illustration. By a multifaceted fusion of approaches students explore new and free artistic expression.
In the research and production of artworks, students select those techniques and materials most suitable for expressing the “theme of the work” and the “foundation of expression = concept.” The work is not limited by the expertise of an individual member of our teaching staff; diverse expressions are considered an opportunity to nurture a sense of multiple values in Multidisciplinary arts expression, and guidance and instruction are offered by the faculty from diverse viewpoints, not just by an individual staff member.
The aim of this Course is to promote artistic expression that creates “new expression fields,” and introduces a new perspective in society. The Course aspires to firstly encourage an expanding awareness of issues concerning social values, judgment, and activities free of preconceptions, and secondly through the promotion of the arts, contribute to the creation of new values that will be shared throughout the local communities and the world.
Teaching Staff of the Course of Multidisciplinary Arts
Examples of Works by the Teaching Staff
Yoshiharu Shimaya「鋳ること」
Yoshiharu Shimaya「水の空」
Hideyuki Oda「Head B」
Hideyuki Oda「日のまるちゃん」
Hideyuki Oda「ガブリエル・デストレとのその妹」と日のまるちゃん」
Hideyuki Oda「考える人」
Shigeaki Iwai「100 hummings」
Shigeaki Iwai「耳と耳の間( ウエペケレによる魂の居場所)」
Shigeaki Iwai「Kiku Sadud Ruk」
Tadasu Takamine「発電する人々」
Tadasu Takamine「日本の近代美術・200Q」
Keiichi Nagasawa「浮遊する立体」
Keiichi Nagasawa「Installation 2000」
Keiichi Nagasawa「Untitled」
Yuka Ohtani「キミドリの部屋」2003年キャンバスに油彩 227 x 182 cm <VOCA2003奨励賞 受賞作品>
Yuka Ohtani「黒い本 -二匹の黒豹-」2009年キャンバスに油彩 73 x 91 cm <第2回 絹谷幸二賞 受賞対象作品>
Yuka Ohtani「ウサギねずみの対話 Ver.44」2011年 キャンバスに油彩 130 x 162 cm
Yuko Abe(メディアアート)×芝山昌也(彫刻)「MASUtorix」2010
Yuko Abe(メディアアート)×長沢桂一(テキスタイル)「ホコリほこり」2011
Yuko Abe(メディアアート)「IN_MEMORIAM_3.11」2012