
Course of Creative Manufacturing Design

Department of Fine Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts

Course of Creative Manufacturing Design

Against the background of Akita’s cultural resources, pursuing monozukuri (creative manufacturing) that contributes to the creation of harmonious relationships among people

Grounded in the shared cultural background and values inherent in those articles that have been loved over the generations, students produce mono (objects) that have a new perspective and value, from Akita toward the world.

Overview of the Course

The Course of Creative Manufacturing Design considers monozukuri as the manifestation of the wisdom of culturally and historically accumulated materials and techniques. Students will learn to establish a concept for the ideal form of mono, and employ design techniques for production and distribution, thus allowing the art of monozukuri to contribute to the creation of harmonious relationships between person and person, and humans and nature.
More specifically, students produce durable articles for daily-life that are timeless in their function and design, and give both physical and emotional satisfaction to the user, by employing the following two principles: the perspective of product design; and materials and techniques such as wood, lacquer, metal, glass, and dyed goods, ceramics and furniture.
To fulfill these goals, students are encouraged to free themselves from uniform monozukuri based on the conventional ideas of modern industry, and to go on to uncover and reinterpret local culture from the base of the culture, climate, and nature of the Akita region upon which the Course of Creative Manufacturing Design is grounded. The Course aims for its students to be thoroughly conversant with practical techniques that respect cultural diversity and to establish these new standards in the world of monozukuri.

Teaching Staff of the Course of Creative Manufacturing Design

Examples of Works by the Teaching Staff

  • Ken-ichi Matsumoto「アームチェア( 苦楽風人Ⅰ )」

  • Ken-ichi Matsumoto「アームチェア( 苦楽風人Ⅱ )」

  • Ken-ichi Matsumoto「アームチェア( 苦楽風人Ⅳ )」

  • Takahito Komure「Tension」

  • Takahito Komure「雲上の皿」

  • Takahito Komure「時空を超えて」

  • Takahito Komure「蜃気楼」

  • Ryusuke Imanaka「Bara シリーズ」

  • Ryusuke Imanaka「tabales」

  • Ryusuke Imanaka「リラクゼーションルーム設計」

  • Yasuhiro Ando「パーロット・ピンブローチ」

  • Yasuhiro Ando「転生」

  • Atsushi Yamaoka「箱・1 + 2 + 3 」

  • Atsushi Yamaoka「木・動物」

  • Atsushi Yamaoka「Being Lady Stool 07」

  • Kou Kumagai「畏怖・畏敬3,11 陸前高田」
    ( 撮影者: 篠原誠司)

  • Kou Kumagai「変塗蒔絵螺鈿箱紫式部」

  • Kou Kumagai「変塗蒔絵螺鈿箱雪どけ」

  • Ikuko Ando「森へ」

  • Ikuko Ando「その森に帰る」

  • Kaori Mori「microcosmos」

  • Kaori Mori「roots #2」

  • Kaori Mori「廻り往くものまた廻り来る」