
Founding Principles

Founding Principles

Four founding principles of Akita University of Art

At Akita University of Art, students strive to create new artistic fields unbound by preexisting concepts in response to the needs of the modern world. We pursue the potential and commonality of art by taking advantage of the cultural resources of Akita, a land blessed by nature and rich traditions, to foster talented individuals who use their artistic sensibilities and creativity to make a difference in Japanese and global society.

1. The creation and investigation of new artistic fields

Akita University of Art re-examines the state of art education in modern Japan, in which genres such as “Japanese painting”, “oil painting”, “sculpture”, “craft”, “design”, and “architecture” are all well established, and in which modern Western art and traditional Japanese art coexist. AUA seeks to modernize the current system, in addition to creating and communicating new artistic values.

2. The utilization and promotion of Akita’s culture and traditions

Our university is pioneering the “decentralization of art” by promoting the development of artistic talent and production in Akita Prefecture, resisting the trend towards over-concentration of people, products and culture in Japan’s major population centers. This principle is based on a belief in the creation of new values through the rediscovery of local identities, as well as a belief that the richness of global culture lies precisely in the diversity of its communities. AUA aims to promote a regional renaissance through the rediscovery of Akita’s historical cultures, lifestyles and technologies, the re-evaluation of their artistic value, and their utilization in both modern Akita and as newly added dimensions to the larger fields of art and design.

3. The nurturing of global human resources capable of connecting Akita to the world

By providing our students with a deep understanding of reconstructed art fields and local cultures, as well as exposure to and interaction with the larger world, AUA molds open-minded individuals who are able to play an active role on the global stage. Students encounter various artistic roots while learning to accept and share a diversity of values, giving them the flexible thinking necessary, as artists and designers, to keep pace with constantly changing trends.

In addition, the university itself communicates new values to the world through radical artistic expressions, while re-evaluating, reviving and modernizing the traditions of Akita with the aim of creating a richer global culture.

4. Contribution to and development with the local community

To fulfill their responsibilities as scholars of a public university, each faculty member of Akita University of Art is involved in social work related to his or her specialty. The university likewise aims to instill in its students a sense of community involvement by encouraging them to make meaningful contributions towards the promotion of local brands and industries, and the development of local artistic activities. AUA also actively seeks collaboration with universities both inside and outside the prefecture, as well as with private businesses, elementary, junior and senior high schools, art museums and other social educational institutions.