
Site Policy

「Terms of Use of This Website」

The “Akita University of Art Website (akibi.ac.jp)” (hereinafter referred to as “this Website”) is administered by Akita University of Art (hereinafter referred to as “the University”).
When using (including browsing, viewing, etc.) this Website, you must read and agree to the following Terms of Use.
When you use this Website, you acknowledge that you agree to these Terms of Use.
All terms herein are subject to change without prior notice.

「Prohibited matters」

When using this Website, the University prohibits the following acts (including acts that provoke them or preparatory actions):

  • Acts that slander or defame the University, other users or third parties
  • Infringement upon property rights (including intellectual properties) or violations of the privacy (including portrait rights) of the University, other users or third parties
  • Use of harmful programs, such as computer viruses
  • Illegal accesses to the facilities or systems operated by the University or third parties
  • Acts that violate public order and morality, criminal acts
  • Acts for making profits
  • Political or religious activities
  • Acts that violate laws and regulations
  • Any other acts that interfere with the operation of this Website

In cases in which the University acknowledges that a user has committed an act that corresponds to any of the above prohibited matters, the University sill may terminate the user’s access to and use of this Website at any time, without prior notice.


All copyrights regarding the content of this website belong to the University or are used by the University under license or other legitimate rights. The following acts are strictly prohibited:

  • Republication, unauthorized use, or reproduction of the content of this Website
  • Unauthorized use of any registered trademarks or logotypes that appear on this Website
  • Use of the “Akita University of Art” trademark, except in cases specifying or referring to the University

「Content guarantee」

While the University makes reasonable efforts to provide up-to-date and accurate information on this Website, the University makes no warranties or representations as to its accuracy or completeness and assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the information provided on this Website.

「Handling of personal information」

Users’ personal information provided on the Website is handled appropriately in accordance with the “Privacy Policy” of the University.

「Recommended environment for using this Website」

To use this Website comfortably and safely, it is recommended that the latest version of your browser be used.

「Disclaimer and warranties」

Your use of this Website is at your own risk. The University and its affiliates involved in the creation of this Website are not liable for any damage arising out of or in connection with your access to this Website.
If a user causes any damage to the University by violating any of the terms herein or through wrongful acts, the University is entitled to claim financial compensation from the user.
If a user causes any damage to the University by violating any of the terms herein or through wrongful acts, it is the user’s responsibility to resolve the issue.
The University shall be entitled to change, supplement or terminate all or part of this Website at any time without prior notification. In such a case, the University shall assume no responsibility for any prejudice or damages.
The University shall assume no responsibility for damages arising from the use of websites operated and managed by third parties linked to this Website, and shall have no liability to provide compensation in this regard.

「Links to this Website」

Basically, the user is free to create links to this Website; however, linking from websites with the following content is prohibited.
The creation of a link to this Website in such a way that the content of this Website is displayed as a part of the link source website by use of a frame, etc., and creates confusion is also prohibited.

  • Content that slanders or defames the University or its affiliates
  • Content that violates public order and morality
  • Content for making profits
  • Content for the purpose of political or religious activities
  • Content that violate laws and regulations
  • Content other than the above that is considered inappropriate by the University


We do not receive any confidential information through this Website. Information sent to this Website or to the e-mail address listed on this Website is handled as non-confidential information. The University shall assume no confidentiality obligations with respect to such information.

「Applicable law and jurisdiction」

The Terms of Use of this Website shall be construed and governed in accordance with the laws of Japan.